Monday, April 13, 2009

Anyone have experience as a camp counselor, specifically girl Scouts?

I was thinking of being a counselor for Azalea Trails Girl Scout Camp over the summer. I attended it as a girl scout when I was 12-14 (im 23 now). Has anyone else done this? Was it fun? Did it suck?

Anyone have experience as a camp counselor, specifically girl Scouts?
It sounds like a great way to serve your community while you learn things that will make you a better person.

My wife and I are both registered Girl Scout and registered Cub Scout leaders and it is great experience.

My wife is a Troop leader for our daughters Girl Scout Troop and I am the Cubmaster for our son%26#039;s Cub Scout Pack.

I am pretty sure they would welcome your help so go ahead and get signed up! :-)
Reply:I did this for years 7th -12th grade. A great way to meet new people, make lasting friendships and well get some extra vacation time! I always found it was great to be swimming, playing sports and being with others my age and younger than sitting at home all summer! Report It

Reply:I worked at boy scout camps for 6 years doing whatever! It was fun you should try it although girl scouts are probably different!


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