Monday, April 13, 2009

Flowering bush for zone 6?

what flowering bush would you suggest that

looks good all year round to plant in front of my house.

I live in zone 6 new england area.

I do not want azalea or hydrangea or hyacinth I%26#039;m

hoping for something different out of these three

because I have them around my house already.

I heard burning bush is great even though it doesn%26#039;t

flower it still looks good all year round.

Any suggestions would be so appreciated


Flowering bush for zone 6?
Burning bush needs pruned constantly to keep from getting HUGE. Even the dwarf is big.

Try one of the new National Arboretum crape myrtles for northern gardens. I have had Hopi for several years now, in Ohio.

Hopi is also a perfect match to the knockout rose %26quot;Blush%26quot;.
Reply:I love goldflame spireas! The plants in the spring are a lime-ish green and knew growth is yellowish and they flower A LOT of purple flower, they are in clusters. During the summer this new growth turnes a nice red-rusty color and sometimes purple. then in the fall they are a beautiful gold yellow. I LOVE them!
Reply:Burning Bush is a very good choice and as stated it doesn%26#039;t bloom all the time. What about a magnolia bush not the tree.

Carpet roses will bloom all summer, and the reblooming lilac will flower from spring until frost.
Reply:Look through this site, the zones are listed and pics provided. Then go to a local nursery. And once again, it is now illegal to sell burning bush in NE.
Reply:How about lilacs or forsythia?


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